Josh Scott
Josh has 15 years plus experience in the residential architectural design industry in New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia. Becoming an Architectural Designer was Josh's childhood dream which he has been fortunate enough to turn into a successful career. When he is not designing unique spaces you can find him exploring the great outdoors with his young family, dabbling in a bit of DIY, or his playing guitar.

Bronwyn Tilson
Bronwyn completed a Bachelor of Interior Design and has worked in the industry as a Kitchen Designer. She then continued in the design field to become an Architectural Designer. After hours you'll find Bronwyn exercising her dog Mishka, designing her own dream home and spending time with friends and family.

Sarah Scott
Sarah's background is in health and team leadership, Sarah has always had a love for all things home design and enjoys transforming a space into a functional and beautiful oasis. When she's not organising in the office, you'll find her at home organising the chaos that comes with raising three energetic boys, planning the next reno project
or doing a spot of baking.